Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Skype for Android – Share Photos with Offline Contacts Now!

Many of you already use Skype for Android to share photos on the go – be it a beauty, a world wonder, or selfies. With yesterday release of Skype 5.2 for Android, we just updated photo sharing to make it an even simpler and more integrated experience.
Send photos to your contacts – online or offline
Gone are the days when you and your contacts need to be online at the same time for you to share photos using Skype. With this update, you can now send photos to your Skype contacts at a time that’s convenient for you, regardless of your contacts’ online status. When they are back on Skype, photos you shared show up beautifully inline in the chat history, whether or not you’re online – allowing you to easily carry on the conversation.

In addition to a better photo sharing experience, we’ve also made several other improvements recently, including:
  • Picture in picture view is now supported on phones, too – letting you keep a video call going even when you navigate away to other applications
  • Chats load faster, especially when opened from a notification
  • Call quality improvements, especially in low bandwidth scenarios
You can download the update starting today in the Play Store.
Reference : Skype Official Blog

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