Are you like most people who save their files and then forget what random string of letters they produced to save it in a hurry? Apparently, this is a big problem with people using Google drive too. Google is introducing an improvement in its search to help such users and others in locating their files more easily. You will now be able to find your files using natural language in your search terms.
What it means that you will be able to type in questions like “find all the presentations about the fiscal year 2017” or “show all files save in the month of January.” Google drive will parse the question and then ask you for confirmation about the interpretation of your search term. If everything seems OK, it will be able to show you relative documents without the need of typing in precise and exact technical terms.
Another way in which Google drive will assist a lost user is through auto corrects in search results. So if you type in a word or two incorrect and meant to write “word files” instead of “wood flies”, Google drive will auto-correct it for you just like regular Google search does.
In addition to these changes, Google docs also gain the ability to split a document into multiple columns. Also, it will be able to auto-save any non-Google file while you are working on it.
All these features are currently in the process of the Global roll-out and should be coming to Pakistani Google drive users within a few days.