Thursday, March 17, 2016

You should never say 8 things to a Programmer!

If you have ever met a programmer, you know they are just a different breed. A race of people capable of making sense from utter gibberish, they are the ones who are capable of turning anything and everything into computer programs. Want to add a few numbers? Make a program. Want to create some fancy animations? Make a program. Want to add a few numbers and display them in some fancy new animations? You guessed it, make a computer program.

These are the people who type out lines and lines of unintelligible text, curse it for an hour, drink one cup of coffee, curse it some more and then type even more. In the end, it’s the caffeine-fuelled, sleep-deprived piece of flesh that wins the war of man vs machine and convinces the holy gates of logic to bend down to his or her will.

Programming is a one of a kind job and it has one of a kind issues and that is why there are some things that a programmer shouldn’t be bothered with. Here are 9 things you should never ever say to a programmer,

  • Can you explain exactly what your code does?
Are you a programmer? No? Then, NO. No, he can’t. No, she can’t. No, THEY can’t. Programming is complex, it is weird, it is mind-boggling. There are uncountable conditions that need to be satisfied, infinite(nearly) number of loops and infinite loops in those infinite loops that have been arranged to achieve the desired result. It’s all one big whole messed up organism that takes a good deal of focus and a lot of time to get your head around. The amount of logic that has to be put in takes a lot of understanding. And, if you aren’t aware of the concepts of programming, don’t even think about asking this question.

“The trouble with programmers is that you can never tell what a programmer is doing until it’s too late.”
~ Seymour Cray
  • But you’re a GIRL!
It’s the 21st century! Grow up! Women everywhere are breaking barriers, shattering stereotypes. Despite the unnervingly overwhelming gender disparity in the computer industry(and Silicon Valley in general), programming isn’t just a guy thing. You know who wrote the very first computer program? Ada Lovelace. She is officially and rightfully known as the first computer programmer ever, and even has a whole programming language named after her.

So know that the next time you want to “exert” your masculinity through code, remember that the very foundation of it was established by a woman and one of the brightest mathematicians ever to walk on the face of the earth.
  • Can you fix my PC?
A programmer is the one who deals with the things that happen inside the machine within the realms of software. What happens outside with tangible components like the CPU, keyboard, and mouse aren’t accessible to the brain of a conventional programmer – unless they have studied electronics, which many haven’t. So kindly resist the temptation of bothering the programmer with things that are out of his or her reach.

“A programmer is not a PC repair man.” — Ritesh Kumar Gupta
  • Can you change this background. *Changes background* Wait no, I liked the previous one!
This is top on the list of the programming headaches. The guy handling the code has to move mountains to make the required optimizations and make the code adapt to the new changes. So if you have asked to make a certain change, better make sure that you are sure on that one. Make up your mind, please. Take a moment and decide the exact changes you have to make and save the programmer a good deal of trouble.
  • Can you make things bounce around and make it prettier?
The bouncing and animating part is one of the easiest and most useless things to do. As a programmer friend of mine, may put it, “A complete disregard from client’s end to comprehend the back-end of a system. The famous if-I-can’t-see-it-bouncing-and-dancing-away-on-the-website-or-an-app-it-isn’t-work. Seriously, guys. Making things bouncing and dancing is the easiest part of the job.

It can be exceedingly irritating to hear that if something doesn’t contribute much to the front-end of a/n website/app and to the main user-interaction, it doesn’t matter. In reality, it matters, a lot! Let the pros handle this one.
  • I actually know a bit of code myself, and I was thinking you could…
There is no such things as a bit of code(no pun intended). Either you know most of it and are capable of learning things you don’t know and doing it all yourself, or you can just as well get someone else to do it altogether. But do keep in mind that the latter case comes with a packaged-programmer with a strict “No recommendations if you’re not a programmer” policy, so if you bother to violate that one, you’ll have to suffer the consequences.

Just as you’re usually not impressed when we brag about how much we know about computers, we’re not impressed when you brag about how little you know about them.
~ Macleod Sawyer
  • Isn’t it a Sunday? Leave your computer alone for once!
This is a hard one because there is no easy way to explain that a good Sunday for us(or most programmers) is a nice little session of coding on projects we love and want to do for ourselves. Headphones on, a cup of simmering coffee and no other errand to run; the perfect Sunday.
  • Why do you love Coffee so much?
Programming and coffee-addiction go hand in hand. A programmer without coffee is like HTML without CSS; it would work but it would be pathetic. Okay, that’s a bad example but you get my point(at least programmers do). But here’s a little secret, not all programmers are addicted to the caffeine-infused brown liquid. It’s more of a stereotype, but not really a bad one so we don’t really mind it. Programming requires a truckload of concentration and coffee is only more than ready to supply it. That’s about it!

Coffee is one of the most widely consumed drinks in the world. In U.S. alone, approximately 83% people drink coffee but since programming is known as one of the most intensive and concentration-demanding tasks, only the programmers have the bragging rights to calling it their drink of choice.

Editor’s Note: Don’t judge the writer for judging programmers. He is one of them.
Special Thanks to Basit Saeed in helping with this article.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Pakistan’s premier telecom operator launches UWatch to keep your kids connected and secure

Pakistan’s premier telecom operator - Ufone last week launched a first of its kind product that will bring parents some much needed peace of mind – the UWatch.

Ufone’s UWatch is primarily aimed at keeping the kids connected with parents when they are away, and that too without the need of smartphones.

Priced at merely Rs. 6,999, UWatch is a wearable watch that has rich feature set to keep parents connected with their kids by knowing their real-time location and two way voice calling functionality i.e. the parent can dial into the watch and also the child can dial from the watch to the parent’s mobile number.

Ali Qazi (Left) Head of M2M and Devices, Ufone, and Aamir Pasha (Right) Head of PR and CSR, Ufone, with Kids at the Launch Event of UWatch

With the UWatch app, the parent is always in control. From live monitoring to setting up safe zones, the app provides several ways to customize the UWatch experience for your family.

“At Ufone, we maintain an unwavering focus on our customers’ needs and convenience with innovation being at the forefront of everything we do. The UWatch is a prime example of that as it offers a very unique and innovate way of keeping families connected,” said Taimur Faiz Cheema, Ufone’s General Manager Marketing. “We are proud to be the first telecom company in Pakistan to launch a breakthrough product like the UWatch and we are confident this will bring some much needed relief to the parents.”

Parents can install UWatch app by scanning QR code printed on UWatch box. After installation, parents will have to register the app by giving parent’s or guardian’s mobile number, UWatch SIM number and UWatch CID (to be provided to customer at the time of UWatch purchase).

Parent can register more than one UWatches, meaning that they can track and monitor more than one kid at a time.

Real Time Tracking

With UWatch Android App, guardians can know the real time location of their kids. They just have to click on “Location” button to get real time location of their kid wearing UWatch.

Clicking on location will display the exact address and coordinates for the convenience. Map of real time location of kids can be viewed in Satellite mode or in 2D map format.

Two Way Calling

Guardians can dial their kids while remaining with-in the UWatch app. Simply click on “Call” button to setup a voice call. UWatch is naturally equipped with a speaker and mic for two way communication between kids and parents.

Similarly kids can press SOS calling button to initiate a voice call. With this function a call will be originated from UWatch to parent or guardian.

Guardian can add up to three numbers for SOS calling so that if first ICE number isn’t responding or if its busy, the call is diverted to second guardian and then third one until the call is responded.

Play Tracking History

With UWatch you can play the history of routes that your kids have taken. This feature will play accurate turn-by-turn tracking history of your kids during a specified period.

UWatch can store history map of UWatch kids for up to three months. To play a tracking history, simply go to tracking history and select a start and end time and date to play location history map of your kids.

Define Safe Zones / Danger Zones

Guardians can define safe zones or otherwise danger zones for the kids or define an area with-in which kids are suppose to remain. For example if you mark a park, or a school as safe zone, UWatch will alert the guardians whenever kids will leave the safe zone.

UWatch allows to mark up to 5KMs of area as safe zone/danger zone. UWatch can send alert SMS to guardians if kids leave a safe zone or otherwise if they enter a danger zone or both.

Further Features
  • With UWatch app, you can choose up to three numbers that your kid’s UWatch can call and receive calls from. Calls from any other numbers will be blocked.
  • UWatch can’t be switched off by kids. Only guardians can switch if off or on through UWatch app
  • Thanks to light sensors, UWatch will send an alert to guardian as soon as watch is removed from wrist.
  • UWatch won’t be able to receive any calls from any number other than guardians.
  • UWatch has ability to cache data if it goes outside of coverage area that will be transmitted back once internet if live again
  • For parents with multiple kids, you can create multiple profiles for each kid with UWatch to monitor and stay in touch with.
  • Shock and splash proof

Pricing Details

  • UWatch’s Price: Rs. 6,999
  • Annual Charges: Rs. 3,000 per year
  • First Time Charges: UWatch Price + Annual Charges for First Year: Rs. 9,999
  • All prices are including taxes
  • UWatch comes with six months of Ufone warranty

Monitoring Charges include:

  • 2,000 SMS — for notifications to be sent from UWatch to Guardians
  • 100 UWatch to Ufone minutes
  • 100 MBs to be used by UWatch for sending data to servers
  • The UWatch is now available for purchase from Ufone Service Centers in main cities of Pakistan. i.e. Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad.